Winston’s Wish Youth Team
Winston’s Wish is assembling a youth team of up to 25 year olds to help us change the future for other grieving children and young people in the UK.

Let’s do more for grieving children and young people

Here’s the truth… No child or young person should ever have to grieve alone. Every child or young person should be able to find and access the help they need after someone has died.
The sad fact is, not every child or young person who needs help, gets help. And that has to change!
Winston’s Wish is assembling a Youth Team of up to 25 year olds to help us change the future for other grieving children and young people in the UK. Want in?
What do our Youth Team do?

Junior Youth Ambassadors
Get stuck into projects, services and the overall decision making processes within the charity. To make sure the voices of young people are at the heart of what we do!

Youth Ambassadors
Applications for Youth Ambassadors are closed at the moment. If you’d like more info please contact

Youth Advisors
Applications for Youth Advisors are closed at the moment. If you’d like more info please contact

As part of the Winston’s Wish Youth Team, you’ll get…
A platform and a chance to have your voice heard!
The opportunity to join a community with other children and young people from across the UK.
The chance to develop and learn new skills.
The opportunity to grow and gain new experiences.
A warm, lovely and fuzzy feeling knowing you’re helping others and giving back to charity.

Join the Youth Team
Your experiences as a bereaved young person can help give hope to others who are struggling with the death of someone important. We’re proud to have a dynamic youth team who help us to raise awareness, challenge the myths about grief, share their stories and help to shape the future of youth bereavement services in the UK.

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Grief in Common podcast
Listen our Youth Team having honest conversations about grief and feelings, discovering how their experiences are different but also finding common ground.

Get involved
Whether you make a donation, take on a fundraising challenge or volunteer your time, you can help us continue to be here for grieving young people.

Get support
We provide bereavement support for grieving children, young people (up to 25) and the adults supporting them.
Connect with us
Sign up to our newsletter and follow us on social media for all our latest news and advice on supporting grieving children and young people.