Our pay policy
Winston’s Wish is committed to attracting and retaining highly qualified and experienced staff.
Winston’s Wish remuneration process:
• The board is responsible for determining the Chief Executive’s salary.
• The Chief Executive is responsible for setting the salaries of the senior management team.
• The senior management team, with input from HR, sets all other salaries.
• Salaries are reviewed regularly and at least on an annual basis.
The Board of Trustees, Chief Executive, and management team adhere to these principles when setting salaries:
Talent Acquisition and Retention: To achieve our mission and ensure financial sustainability, we need high-calibre staff with diverse skills and expertise. Our remuneration packages are designed to reflect market rates for similar positions in relevant sectors.
Cost-Effectiveness: The effects on Winston’s Wish’s financial health and overall business strategy are consistently considered.
Performance: Performance targets and objectives are evaluated during the annual appraisal process and factored into compensation when applicable.
Transparency: Winston’s Wish adheres to SORP guidelines and discloses in the annual report the number of employees earning £60,000 or more.
Benefits: All staff have access to the same benefits, including pensions plans