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We would love to keep you updated with our latest news, fundraising appeals and events, volunteering opportunities, new publications and resources. Fill out the form below to tell us how you would like to hear from us.
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We send a monthly e-newsletter filling you in on our news and latest blog articles on grief and supporting bereaved children. We also send occasional email and postal updates on our latest publications and training dates, volunteering opportunities, upcoming fundraising events, campaigns and appeals, and new merchandise, such as Christmas cards.
To help ensure that we communicate with you in the way that you would like, please fill out the form below to tell us how best we may contact you and your particular areas of interest.
You can unsubscribe from communications at any time by filling out the form below or emailing us on info@winstonswish.org, calling us on 01242 515 157 or writing to us at Winston’s Wish, Conway House, 31-33 Worcester Street, Gloucester, GL1 3AJ.
You can find our privacy policy here.
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