Corporate partnerships

Together, we can support more children and their families after the most devastating loss they will ever face.

Corporate partnerships with Winston's Wish
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Help us give hope to grieving children

Whether it’s making us your company’s Charity of the Year, encouraging your staff to fundraise or embarking on an innovative CRM campaign, our dedicated corporate team will work with you every step of the way. Together, we can create an inspiring, tailor-made partnership that is designed to be mutually beneficial.

By partnering with Winston’s Wish you will help us to ensure that every bereaved child or young person can access our support when they desperately need it. Every day in the UK children and young people lose someone important. This can be one of the most devastating and traumatic experiences that they will ever face. Grief can destroy a child’s future – with your support, we can help make sure it doesn’t.

We pride ourselves on building creative, innovative partnerships that are designed to be mutually beneficial. We rely on businesses from across the UK to partner with us to raise the funds we need every year to support children after the death of someone important.

To speak with a member of our team and receive your free Corporate Partnerships pack, please fill out the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!

Ways to support us

Corporate fundraising calendar 2025

Your 2025 fundraising calendar!

Download our FREE fundraising calendar and get planning your fundraising activities for 2025. It’s the perfect tool to helping you and your colleagues get ahead of the game when it comes to making a difference in the lives of bereaved children and young people.

Fundraising 24 in 2024 test images 1024 x 682

Get involved

Take a look at our 2025 fundraising calendar for some exciting ways you can get involved with your team this year to support Winston’s Wish and help us connect with more grieving children, young people and families.

Krispy Kreme box with fundraising written under the logo while a man reaches in for two glazed donuts

Krispy Kreme Charity Dozen

Want to do a bake sale but can’t bake? We’ve got you covered! Purchase the delicious Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Doughnuts at a special 50% discount and raise some dough for Winston’s Wish!

Cheer point

Volunteer at a cheer point

We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help us out at some of this year’s most popular runs, marathons, cycle races and more, by cheering on our amazing participants. If you and your team fancy getting involved and showing support for Team Winston and grieving children, young people and families by joining us at a cheer point this year, take a look at the list of events and let us know below.

Corp fundraising AZ

A-Z of fundraising ideas

Take a look at some ways to get involved with your team or organisation and raise vital funds to help support grieving children, young people and families. Let us know about your plans below so we can support your fundraising.

Headshot photo of Rob from PayPal

Partner voices

Senior Director, Enterprise Sales, at PayPal UK and Winston’s Wish supporter, Rob Harper, has shared why our mission is so close to his heart in this blog post.

Current corporate partners

We’re proud to be supported by some amazing companies who dedicate their time, money and resources all with the vision of a society where every child can get the help they need when someone close to them dies. A small selection of our current partners are featured below.

We’re proud to be supported by some amazing companies who dedicate their time, money, and resources to our vision of a society where every child can get the help they need when someone important to them dies. Some of our major partnerships s in 2023/2024 are featured below.

Get in touch today if you would like to discuss how your company can get involved!

Series of logos from corporates that supported Winston's Wish from 2023/24
Series of logos from corporates that supported Winston's Wish from 2023/24

Find out more about corporate partnerships

We’d love to hear from you. Complete the form below and a copy of our partnerships pack will automatically be emailed to you. If you submit any additional enquiries a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.

Winston's Wish logo
Request a corporate partnerships pack