If you would like to purchase items from our Amazon Wishlist, please follow the steps below, to ensure the products reach us correctly.
1. Ensure your basket is empty before you start
2. Add item(s) to your basket from our list here
3. Proceed to checkout when done
4. Click on ‘Add new address’ then enter the following details:
Full name: Micky Cohen
Phone Number: 01242 515157
Postcode: GL1 3AJ
Address Line 1: Winston’s Wish, Conway House
Address Line 2: 31-33 Worcester Street
Town/City: Gloucester
5. Then click on ‘Use this address’ and pay for your item(s).
6. Unfortunately, unless you let us know directly, we can’t always see what you’ve bought from the wishlist. So that we can thank you and keep track of items purchased, please can you drop us an email at supportercare@winstonswish.org letting us know your name, company name (if relevant) and what you’ve bought, once you’ve completed your purchase, so we can say thanks!