By signing up to Winston’s Book Club, you are committing to an on-going regular gift to Winston’s Wish. You can cancel or amend your regular gift at any time. The minimum gift for the Book Club is £8.50.
For every month you donate, we will send you a different book, every month, for up to 12 months. Your monthly donation will continue after 12 months and we hope you’ll be able to keep supporting our work. You can cancel at any point by logging into your account. See the cancelling or changing your regular gift section at the bottom of the T&Cs.
You can change or cancel your monthly donation at any time – see the cancelling or changing your regular gift section. If you choose to cancel your donation during the first 12 months, or decrease the amount you donate to less than £8.50, you will no longer receive your monthly book.
You can change your delivery details or payment details at any time. Simply call us on 01242 515 157 or email us at
Your Regular gift will be taken on the same date each month (the day you set up your gift), confirmation of this will be emailed to you automatically when setting up your regular gift.
By signing up to Winston’s Book Club, you are agreeing to receive information about the book club.
Winston’s Book Club can only be delivered to valid United Kingdom addresses.
You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the books or Winston’s Book Club without express written permission by us.
Prices for Winston’s Book Club are subject to change. We will give 10 days’ notice before making any changes to your Regular Gift.
We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue Winston’s Book Club (or any part or content thereof).
We shall not be liable to you or to any third-party for any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of the Winston’s Book Club.
We reserve the right to update, change or replace any part of these Terms and Conditions by posting updates and changes to our website. It is your responsibility to check our website periodically for changes.
You are always in control of how you hear from us and you can change your mind at any time by calling us on 01242 515 157. We’ll always protect your privacy and will never sell or swap your data with any third party. To find out more about how we safeguard your data, visit
Cancelling or changing your regular gift – You can change or cancel your monthly donation at any time – see point below. If you choose to cancel your donation during the first 12 months, or decrease the amount you donate to less than £8.50, you will no longer receive your monthly book.
You can change or cancel your donation at any time by logging in to your donorbox account (see your automatic confirmation email) or by visiting If you didn’t set up an account initially, simply click ‘forgot password’ to do this, then follow these steps:
Go to ‘recurring plans’ then click on your recurring donation which you would like to cancel/edit
You can change the amount, payment method and next donation date by simply clicking ‘change’ in each section and then select ‘update plan’
To cancel your regular gift, scroll down and click ‘cancel this plan’