Make a referral to Winston’s Wish
Refer yourself or a young person you are supporting for bereavement support or counselling.
Access support services from Winston’s Wish
Winston’s Wish helps children, teenagers and young adults (up to the age of 25) find their feet after their worlds are turned upside down by grief.
We support young people to understand their feelings, process their grief and find ways to move forward with hope for a brighter future.
We’ve recently changed the way we work with the aim of ensuring young people get the right support, depending on their own individual needs. This means introducing a referral system for some of our services.
Support offered through our helpline, live chat, email and text can be accessed by anyone and are available on-demand, with no referral needed. For the majority of young people, and the adults supporting them, that is all that’s needed to be able to confidently move forward.
For those in need of additional support, speaking with a bereavement support worker or counsellor might help. This level of support isn’t always needed or appropriate for every young person and is now accessed by referral only.
Before making a referral, please ensure you are familiar with the services and support available from Winston’s Wish.
About our referral process
We believe in empowering young people to take ownership of their grief support journey.
That’s why we encourage young people to reach out to us directly.
Referrals are not needed to access our on-demand services such as live chat, helpline, email or text services.
Anyone between the ages of 13 and 25 can refer themselves for additional bereavement support services.
Parents, carers and professionals can submit a referral on behalf of a bereaved young person aged 12 or under. We encourage you to support anyone aged 13 or over to complete their own referral.
Winston’s Wish is unable to accept referrals without the agreed consent of the young person for whom support is being sought.
If you are between the ages of 13 and 25 and would like to refer yourself to Winston’s Wish for grief support then click the coral button below to complete our self-referral form.
If you’re an adult who wants to refer a child or young person under the age of 12 to Winston’s Wish, then click on the blue button below to complete our referral form for adults.
Connect with us
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