Social media is so much a part of everybody’s lives today, especially children and young people. When you’re bereaved it can be helpful but it can also raise challenges.
It can provide networks of support
Social media can provide a support network, whether that’s your family and friends or support groups of people who have had similar experiences to you. No matter what time you go online there is often someone else to connect with, which isn’t always the case in the offline world. There are plenty of bereavement support groups on Facebook, including our Adults Bereaved as Children group, where you can share information, ask questions or just chat with other bereaved people.
It can make you feel isolated
If you’re feeling down and having a tricky time with your own thoughts and feelings, social media can make you feel more isolated. Many grieving young people say that they feel different from everyone else and can feel isolated, and social media can make this feeling worse.
It often looks like everyone else is having a great time, socialising with friends and enjoying themselves. But it’s important to remember that other people are just sharing the highlights of their life on social media. They might also be having a difficult time or feeling sad but aren’t sharing that.
If you feel like this, it can often help to take a break from social media. Put your phone down and do something you enjoy, whether that’s an activity, a hobby or spending time with your family and friends.
It can be a way of sharing feelings
Posting on social media can be a good way to share your feelings, rather than keeping them bottled up. But it’s important to remember that everyone can then see what you’ve posted and you can’t take it back. It’s not like writing it down in a diary when those thoughts are just for you or whoever you choose to share it with.
It can catch you by surprise
Many social media networks remind you of special dates like birthdays and anniversaries which can be difficult if a notification pops up when you’re not ready for it. It’s not like going to visit somebody’s grave or a place that reminds you of them when you’ve chosen to think about that person.
You may also have your friends and family sharing their feelings and memories following a bereavement or on a special day, which again can be challenging if you’re not expecting it to appear on your news feed.
It can be a challenging way to find out about a death
Sometimes news of a death can be shared on social media, whether it’s by the family, friends or the media, and that can be a difficult way to find out. Or you might not have told your child the details of the death and they see it on social media instead and that can have a huge effect on them.
It can be an effective means of communication
Social media can be a good way to communicate with people you don’t necessarily see that often so can be an effective way to keep in touch with family and friends who might live far away. It can also be a useful way to share news about things like funeral arrangements and the wishes of the family.