
Two girls sitting on a hammock - manage grief over summer holidays - Photo by SI Janko Ferlic on Unsplash

5 ways to manage grief in the summer holidays

We know that the summer holidays can be a difficult time for grieving families, children, and young people. Losing the consistent routine of school or college can affect people and bring up lots of different emotions. Our team of Support Workers share five ways to manage grief and emotions over ...

How can military families remember someone who has died?

There are many occasions when children, young people and families will remember someone who has died. Maybe on their birthday, anniversaries, religious festivals and any days that are significant to them. For military families, there are also public days, including Remembrance Day and Armed Forces Day, when you will think ...
White mum using smartphone with daughter at home.

How to help bereaved children understand grief

Often, people will talk about the ‘different stages of grief’, suggesting that everyone’s grief follows the same path through the stages of grief and that their grief will get smaller over time. We know from our experience that it’s not that simple and we prefer to look at it another ...
Preparing children for the death of a parent

How to prepare children for the death of a parent

Preparing children for the death of a parent is an incredibly difficult thing to do. Whether this is from a long-term illness, like cancer or MS, or a more sudden circumstance, such as an accident or stroke, this is a heartbreakingly sad situation for the whole family. There is no right ...
When should children return to school after a bereavement

When should children return to school after a bereavement?

A question we are often asked following the death of a parent, sibling or other important person, is “should my child go back to school yet?” There are many things to consider when decided when your child should return to school after a bereavement, including how your child feels about school, ...
Supporting bereaved teenagers

How to support a teenager who is grieving

The death of a parent, sibling or other loved one is a devastating experience for any young person and often adults don’t know what to say or how to support them, especially if they are a teenager. Teenage years are a challenging time, full of hormonal changes, working out who ...
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