
Child opening a greeting card

What to send to a grieving child or young person

As a family we received over 100 sympathy cards, only 1 was for me. Henri, Youth Ambassador It can be difficult to know what to say, but sending a card of support to a child or young person following the death of someone close to them can help them know that they ...
Adult and child having a conversation sitting on a sofa.

7 ways to support a child or young person bereaved of both parents

Supporting a child or young person who has been bereaved of both parents can be emotionally challenging and is an incredibly important responsibility. As they navigate their grief journey, the child or young person may need your support in many ways, and they will need you to be understanding, stable, ...
Woman hugging child in front of a Christmas tree - coping with grief at Christmas

Coping with Christmas: Tips from WAY Widowed and Young members

Christmas can be especially tough for bereaved families. Getting through the festive season can take a lot of strength and some creative thinking. Here are some tips from members of the charity WAY Widowed and Young members about how they have coped… I’ve genuinely taken the pressure off myself when it comes ...
Child holding adult hands outdoors

What happens at a crematorium?

We’re sharing this piece written by Jason King, Head of Quality and Standards at Westerleigh Group, to dispel a few myths around crematoriums and help you understand more about visiting with a child or young person. If you’ve never been to a crematorium before, you may think of them as being ...
WAY Halloween post - children painting pumpkins

Halloween half term tips from WAY

Supporting bereaved children during half-term and Halloween can be challenging, especially when the nights are closing in and talking about ghosts and other spooky themes may trigger emotions linked to loss. Here are some helpful tips from our friends at WAY Widowed and Young to help navigate the upcoming school ...
Celebrity Liam Payne, tribute

How to talk to children about the death of a celebrity

The death of a public figure can significantly affect children, as well as adults. This could be their first experience of death, and they might not really understand it, or maybe they have been bereaved and this brings up those difficult feelings again. After the death of a celebrity, the ...

Coping with bereavement by suicide: Thoughts from WAY members

To mark Suicide Awareness Month, members of the charity WAY Widowed and Young have been sharing their thoughts on how to look after themselves and their children after a bereavement to suicide…. Diane's Story "For me, the suddenness was also really difficult to deal with – one minute Graham was there and ...
Grief Chart and Coping Wheel templates

Make and talk activity for children: Grief Chart & Coping Wheel

Children who’ve been in school classrooms may have used something similar to our Grief Chart, teachers might use it to gauge how the class is feeling or how hard the pupils have been working. Creating a Grief Chart allows you, as the adult supporting the child, to start a conversation about ...
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